Sunday, August 16, 2009

Critical Housing Issues currently being Proposed

The Home Building Industry is currently under ATTACK on many fronts that need to be addressed quickly or the industry will be forever damaged. The purpose of this blog is to inform builders, developers, professionals involved with land development and the general public of these issues and to propose realistic solutions.

What are the Issues and why should you care?
(Note: Each of these issues will be addressed in more detail in future blogs)

1. Pa. DEP Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy - Has significantly increased sewage costs and has lead the DEP to propose numerous new regulations and policies that will increase the cost for housing and limit future growth. There are no provisions for future residential or commercial growth in the plan. There are better ways to save the bay and provide for growth. The Fair Share Coalition which includes the Pa. Builders Association, Pa. Municipal Authorities Association, Pa. Conservation Districts and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation all agree and have joined together to propose better solutions to the Pa. DEP Bay Strategy.

2. EPA / DEP Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Chesapeake Bay & Local Streams (Paxton Creek) - EPA & DEP have proposed several TMDL's around the state that would impose discharge limits on storm water and wastewater that would be very difficult if not impossible to meet. The main problem with the new TMDL is the science being used is totally different from past TMDL's and not scientifically defensible. If this methodology is allowed to be used now it will stop growth within these drainage areas and then it could be applied across the country.

3. DEP Chapter 102 Revisions - DEP is currently proposing changes to the erosion and sedimentation (E&S) control and post construction storm water (PCSW) regulations which are very troubling. The costs of E&S and PCSW controls have increased significantly during the past 3 years and the new proposed regulations will add additional costs and problems to getting plans approved. These regulations will be posted in the Pa Bulletin shortly and we must respond with positive alternatives to the proposed regulations.

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